Post Award Activity

Get Reimbursed 

Women in Technology (WIT) would like to provide financial support to our emerging leaders. Award winners will work with their department for travel arrangements and payment. Once the conference or training is complete, their department can submit a reimbursement request for the cost incurred. WIT funding will reimburse up to the approved amount set by the WIT Leadership Team. 

If you’ve received a WIT Award and are seeking reimbursement, please ask your Business Office to complete this form so that we can reimburse your department. 

Please contact WIT Leadership Team with any questions. 

Report Back 

Award recipients are required to fill out a short survey about their experience and how they benefitted professionally from the activity they used their funding for. We ask that recipients complete this survey within 2 weeks of the completion of said activity.  

Share Back  

In addition to the mandatory report back survey, award recipients are also asked to participant in an “share back” activity to share what they learned from their conference/workshop/training with the rest of the WIT membership. The share back activity is optional, though if you indicated in your application that you would be able to commit to a share back you will be asked to do so.  

The share back activity can take many forms, including but not limited to: 

  • Writing something for the WIT blog 
  • Giving a presentation 
  • Leading a discussion  

If you intend to participate in a share back activity, please indication so in the Report Back survey.